a measuring stick for my journey

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

more on community

Much of my thought life has recently been directed toward community and fellowship. I've been pondering the notion of Christ-like community building, and the extension of fellowship outside of the walls of our church. I love the church, don't get me wrong, but I think that our church life, friends, etc need to be supplemented with a healthy dose of our local community, our co-workers, our 'real' lives. I find this quote very provocative today...

"I'm bored with all the talk, the programs, the strategies for growth, the latest all-conquering theories on evangelism. That stuff's a decoy. Show me how to love. Right now I'm not too bothered about meetings, the preaching, the music. I'd trade the lot of it for something else. Lately I've been longing more than anything else to belong to a community that is purely and simply deeply kind." -- Pete Greig


djrepshire said...

Here, here! Have you ever read,"Blue Like Jazz?"

Hannah said...

Hey! I have a book recommendation too! It's "The Kingdom of Couches" by Will Walker. I've got a copy if you want to check it out.

"Community is not a part of spiritual life; it is spiritual life."

Also check out kingdomofcouches.com.
