So here is my Jeff Foxworthy list of hippie-esque "might-be's"...all of which we can answer with a resounding "YES"!
You might be a hippie if....
-you have Kombucha in the closet
-you own more bicycles than cars
-you forget how to drive said car due to the fact that you walk or ride everywhere
-living in a commune would be ideal
-you have a garden that provides you with a summer's worth of produce
-you forage in the public spaces in your town (apples trees, plum trees etc)
-you don't own white flour or white sugar
-you feel passionate about politics and causes (and organize events for both)
-you plan on sneaking chickens into your yard (give it to the MAN)
-you brew your own spirits (libations)
From www.happyhippie.com (I'm so not kidding)
"Neo-hippies, some of whom are sons, daughters and grandchildren of the original hippies, advocate many of the same beliefs of their 1960s counterparts. Drug use is just as accepted as in the "original" hippie days, although most neo-hippies do not consider it necessary to take drugs in order to be part of the lifestyle, and others reject drug use in favor of alternative methods of reaching higher or altered consciousness such as drumming circles, community singing, meditation, dietary practices, and yoga and dance.
The neo-hippie movement also inspired festivals and workshops that advocated alternative lifestyles, clean and sustainable energy, and unadulterated foods. Nambassa is also the tribal name of a trust that has championed sustainable ideas and demonstrated practical counterculture and alternative lifestyle methods since the early 1970s.
The neo-hippie movement has also morphed into the 'Green Movement.' The Green movement is a political and social movement which advocates goals common to Green parties, including environmentalism, sustainability, nonviolence, and social justice concerns. Supporters of the Green movement, called Greens, adhere to Green ideology and share many ideas with the ecology, conservation, environmental, feminist, and peace movements.
Some simply advocate ecological living is a life philosophy. Proponents of ecological living aim to conduct their lives in such a way that they have an all-encompassing awareness of earth and its processes. Each choice made under such a way of life requires a consideration of the consequences of the choice, and the way that the decision will affect the environment and all living things within it. Ecological consciousness and care for the earth are of paramount importance in the decision-making process."
I love this!
Really? Kombucha in the closet is the first requirement for hippie-dom? Thanks to John, you're off to a good start! (Me too, though you've got me beat on some of these). Thanks for sharing.
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