I loved, loved those old timey Country Time Lemonade radio ads. The announcer's voice, the background music, the word pictures created..."There is one less day of summer this year, one day less day of running barefoot through the sprinkler...." (PS I did a pretty intensive Google search to find a transcript but to no avail, not even a recording of an ad. Sad, sad.)
There haven't been many lazy days for D and I this summer. We seem to be rushing from one event to the next and then home to bed so that we can function at work. That's not to say we haven't had a lovely summer, filled with adventure and excellent memories. I just feel sad that I've only napped in our hammock once, no lazy walks by the river as we only have time to run and then on to the next thing. So here's to August, may there be a few days at home, sipping lemonade, listening to records, and doing nothing but watch the clouds wander past.

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