Some lessons I've learned on this walk through life. Some thoughts to pass along....
-never gossip. Never listen to gossip. You may learn things about people that you wish you didn’t know.
-a quick vacuum makes a house look clean, even if you haven’t cleaned for two weeks
-plants add life and warmth to every room. And they clean the air.
-never substitute store bought baked goods for homemade.
-don’t put too much of your self-value in your job. It can be gone in an instant.
-have a disciplined work-out plan and stick to it. It’s invaluable.
- don’t have a television in your home. Think twice about the internet.
-do own records. Listen to them. Preferably to old tunes your folks used to play.
-learn the basics of cooking, then toss out your recipe books. Cooking should be an adventure.
-do garden and grow your own herbs. It’s frugal and enjoyable.
-spend time with your family. They are more like you than you may think. And they’re usually pretty awesome!
-you can be the biggest tomboy in the world and still enjoy the swish of a summer skirt.
-when the phone rings, and it’s a member of your family, never ignore the call. Even if you have guests, always answer when it’s a family member.
-learn to be self-sufficient: fix your own mechanical problems, discover the enjoyment of working with your hands, learn your way around electronics. Learn how to really use your computer.
-really love your friends. Enjoy them in the here and now. Don’t be scared to let go of them.
-never make excuses. Learn from your mistakes. Accept the responsibility for your actions.
-try new things. Take risks. Don’t be too cautious. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back .
-know how to really listen. Don’t interrupt. Don’t follow-up with your own story. Just listen.
-work hard. You’ll sleep better at night knowing you’ve put in a good day. But don’t let ambition be what drives you.
-be humble. But don’t fake it. Humility has to be real, or it just comes across as pride!
-every day is a new day. Don’t let yesterday’s mistakes and tomorrow’s plans get in the way of the here and now.
-be generous. Be generous with yourself, your time, your belongings, and your money. That said, have boundaries.
-be tough. Don’t cry unless there is sever blood loss.
-walk or ride your bike whenever possible. It’s cheap, healthy and fun!
-dance when old country and western songs come on, even if you don’t know how!
-when you see a really great sunset, stop what you’re doing, pull over, or just leave the dishes and stand outside and enjoy it!
-be curious. A curious mind inspires learning and creativity in your life.
-don’t marry the man who will wine and dine you. Marry the man who will lay under early spring stars with you, hold you tight and not give a second thought to the neighbors or the duties of tomorrow. Marry a man who dreams.
Thank you, Sarah! I really needed your lessons today. I apparantly needed a good cry, too, even though there is not severe bleeding. Perhaps I need to toughen up, but right now I would prefer to appreciate the wisdom of my friend.
Oh Han! Never feel bad about a good cry! I can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow! Chin up, it'll get better! Love you!
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